Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Shot Down ??

This has come up before and shot down by Brian McBride and the board.  Yes you can have card readers like all hotels have to access the property, business centers and pool & spa areas.  This board does not want to spend $1,300.00 to change locks on all pool gates and issue 1 new key per condo to control entry!
You do not have a prayer in Hell of anything like you suggested of happening. 

Remember Janet's comments about dial up services and Wi-Fi at last HOA Meeting. 

This property has become a short term rental property with parking lots becoming storage areas.  Walk the property and see utility trailers, covered autos on blocks with flat tires and autos and motorcycles that have not moved in 6 months.
It is what it is and you will have to get used to it or move.  This board, AAM and this management team will make sure it will never be what it was under Marianne and Rossmar.
Your choice is to take big looses and move or live with downgrades and put up with do nothing board working for AAM.....Your choice.
Mr. J Bldg #9

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