Friday, September 30, 2011

Well Said to me
show details 11:31 AM (6 minutes ago)

I can't believe the people who write on this web site
are all mouth and no action!  This is a great opportunity to right some wrongs.  Are you people
intimidated by the board?  I've lived at Anasazi for 26 years and care very much about my investment
and my life here.  Please we need your voice.
                                                       Mrs. JS

Note From Webmaster

As of To nite I was informed that only 2 people have responded to the Residents having a meeting??

There are 15 people alone who voted YES on poll for meeting, So my question is where are all the people who comment or email here about the subject??  I will wait till next week to see the number of people that respond..I put this site here as a great avenue to help residents.But if meeting does not have some kind of turn out I may discontinue website for a period of time..I DO NOT WANT this site to be used by 5-6 unhappy people who do nothing but complain..If you have an issue then show up for a meeting!!! I see that a lot of comments have stopped, which is a sign all grievances may be out there now. This site could continue as it was planned!1  To be a voice of the Residents  good or bad , But do not want it abused by those who only talk and dont act!  So Residents you asked for a meeting of which I published,But as of yet  No Action..Maybe why this board has no opposition as many of you dont have the Kahunis to step up... To the couple residents that have called me  Thank You!  Time to spread the word to your neighbors if you want this meeting to be beneficial to all.I just dont want to continue publishing if those that write cant back up in person ..So its up to all of you     Ty Mr S

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Meeting Agenda- October 12th

                  October 12th @ 7pm lower clubroom

This meeting has been put together by residents
who would like to discuss things about our community
to bring to Board Meeting on Oct 19th
Information Available @


HOA Fee Increase

Security at Anasazi

Property Maintenance

This meeting will be a friendly round table discussion format

Lets Band Together and make Anasazi RIGHT AGAIN










I have started to receive calls and emails with peoples name and building number , Call or Send Yours

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Residents Alert !!1

 Received this email today

***des1952@aol wrote

After talking with two of our employees here at Anasazi, I was astonished to learn some ridiculous things going on here in our community.One the employees are not allowed to look at this website? ALSO Employees have been instructed to not talk to Residents ?  also office had meeting last week to find out who was supplying information to this website, Concerning Jacuzzi problem..Well WAYNE it was you !!!   You were overheard by a neighbor and she relayed to me who forwarded to website what she heard.. Just the community taking care of itself!! IS THIS WHAT WE HAVE BEEN REDUCED TO HERE..1st off the Board wants to raise HOA Fees $30.00 a month!!   Is this to help pay for the 2 salaries in front office that used to be one salary before we adopted Wayne and Roe..They want to run everything here as a secret or something.. Wake up you 2 WE ARE THE ONES YOU WORK FOR.. and we should be made aware of things going on in our community..WE MISS THE DAYS OF PAST WHEN ALL THE EMPLOYEES WERE HERE AND STOPPED AND CHATTED WITH EVERYONE...We all knew their names and they knew ours!! I don't know what direction the office is trying to lead us to but it is not the friendly confines we are seeking...So Residents its your turn to comment....

Comment from Webmaster:  I have also verified this to be true and have heard from more than one person that Roe has been very unprofessional about this website, And when the subject about it comes up she becomes very offensive, Last week I had to call her about a problem and her reply is I know who this is ..I know you own the website!!    Well Roe 1st off I as webmaster here have never attacked you or your office.This website has been here for 2 years before your management arrived so this is in no way  something I came up with on your arrival, It has always been available to the Residents, So maybe the criticism you are receiving here is of your own accord,So I hope you don't continue to attack me or my website to other residents...PERIOD ..You can always address me in person if you like .... This site is intended to be about the Compliments and criticism  here as well as events and general community knowledge, It will continue to do so,From my observation looks like Residents are very unhappy with your crews performance to date.!!   Maybe stop blaming everyone else and start taking care of the property..This site never had the amount of comments in its 3 years as it has the last 3 months ..Put the pieces together .I have not commented on this site personally on a personal note till now, But I do see the grass is all dead, the trees have not been trimmed, Our maintenance crew(or so called crew) doesn't speak English, And everyone has the same opinion,As I have spoken personally with over 30 residents this week alone  I have lived here over 8 years and have seen the changes of late...So stop running this place as if our voice has no bearing, Mine always Will...........Looking forward to Oct 12th meeting   

We need a Resident from every building  to be at Private meeting(Oct 12 - 7pm)  to represent to your other neighbors..Send name and building number here and I will forward ..

Monday, September 26, 2011

Private Residents Meeting ..Oct 12th 7pm

Received an email today from a group of residents that have set a date of October 12th 2011 7pm..In OUR lower clubhouse for all residents interested in sitting and discussing problems here at Anasazi we all want fixed, This is a great opportunity in a friendly environment for us to all get together and develop a plan for moving forward in our community. We ask that you all tell a neighbor about the meeting, As in numbers our voice will be heard..We have Board Members that are not taking us serious and believe maybe it is time for a shakeup and a new regime to take over here, SO AGAIN I WILL OFFER AN OPEN INVITE TO BOARD MEMBERS TO REPLY HERE!!   DONT WAITED TO GET VOTED OUT ON A NO COMPETENCY VOTE  ..Look forward to hearing back on a count of those planning on attending..The date is set ...See You All There>>>>

If You Plan On Attending Please send Name and Build Number here and I will Forward List ....Send to

And the Backlash Continues

BYE BYE Herb Komnick
Anonymous noreply- to me
show details 3:19
AM (6 hours ago)

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "More Feedback":
So True!! And soon I hope...And there is not smoking in a public area as the patio, have to be 75 feet away. So no smoking in the pool area or the hot tubs.
Another item to talk about, how do residents feel about taking the community over themselves and not have a property management company. If you get a good Community Manager that is in tune with the residents, have the residents vote on how things are run here. Mangement companies can't seem to do it. Let's talk about that. Did you know Herb let the Clubhouse room down be rented on a Friday night? That is a community activity for all residents. And no two rooms rented on the same day or at all!! And if you can believe this....Oh think we will talk about that at our private meeting of the residents. Let everyone know who doesn't have a computer. We all must be there!!

Anonymous to me
show details 3:23 AM (6 hours ago)

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "OPEN LETTER TO ANASAZI BOARD":

Yes meeting should be a soon as possible and of course all board members should have to live in the community and get involved in all that it takes to make this place a better place to live


Anonymous to me
Frankly speaking Herb is an asshole !!   I also agree to a private meeting..Who wants to set a date  Mr J Build 14 

Letter From Webmaster

I would like to start out by saying thank you for all the call's, emails and comments !!  But I would like to remind all that all forums in this site are those of Residents, So as a reminder that I am just the Messenger here, If I make an opinion it will always say from Webmaster.I have gotten emails pertaining to me being the origin of stories here. Of which is untrue we just publish what Residents send or relay to us. SO with that being said I stated in earlier post about PRIVATE RESIDENT MEETING. My position is not as to set this up!! If any of you Residents that are interested. You need one of you to set a date and send it here and we will publish for all to see and attend. As a Resident I also am interested in keeping abreast of things here.But this will remain an Open Forum, Also as originated a place for good comments as well as the bad.Also from time to time Things of interest in the community as well as Art Shows, Flea markets. Car Shows Etc..So lets keep Anasazi Living a Place for us all to have where our voice is heard! Without igniting feuds...This should be a place for us to all come together for the simple reason of protecting our Home and Investment.Thank you very Much

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Senior Humor

Need to Lighten For A Day!!

They Say Laughter Is The Best Medicine!!  So Here Go's

Don't you just hate weddings:
I hate them because the old people always poke you and say "Your next!." So I started doing the same thing to them... at funerals.

Love Making Tips for Senior Citizens:
1. Wear your glasses. Make sure your partner is actually in the bed.
2. Set timer for 3 minutes, in case you doze off in the middle.
3. Set the mood with lighting. (Turn them ALL OFF!)
4. Make sure you put 911 on your speed dial before you begin.
5. Write partner's name on your hand in case you can't remember.
6. Keep the polygrip close by so your teeth don't end up under the bed.
7. Have Tylenol ready in case you actually complete the act.
8. Make all the noise you want. The neighbors are deaf too.
9. If it works, call everyone you know with the good news.
10. Don't even think about trying it twice.

The Talking Frog:
An 86 year old fisherman was sitting in his boat one day when he heard a voice say, 'Pick me up.' He looked around and couldn't see any one. He thought he was dreaming when he heard the voice say again, 'Pick me up.' He looked in the water and there, floating on the top, was a frog. The man said, 'Are you talking to me?' The frog said, 'Yes, I'm talking to you. Pick me up. Then, kiss me and I'll turn into the most beautiful woman you have ever seen. I'll make sure that all your friends are envious and jealous because you will have me as your bride.' The old fisherman looked at the frog for a short time, reached over, picked it up carefully, and placed it in his front breast pocket. Then the frog said, 'What are you nuts? Didn't you hear what I said? I said kiss me and I will be your beautiful bride.' He opened his pocket, looked at the frog and said, 'Nah, at my age I'd rather have a talking frog.'

Wedding Plans
- Jake, 92, and Sylvia, 89, are all excited about their decision to get married. They go for a stroll to discuss the wedding and on the way they pass a drugstore. Jake suggests they go in. Jake addresses the man behind the counter: "Are you the owner?" The pharmacist answers "Yes". Jake: "We're about to get married. Do you sell heart medication?" Pharmacist: "Of course we do." Jake: "How about medicine for circulation?" Pharmacist: "All kinds." Jake: "Medicine for rheumatism, scoliosis? " Pharmacist: "Definitely." Jake: "How about Viagra?" Pharmacist: "Of course." Jake: "Medicine for memory problems, arthritis, jaundice?" Pharmacist: "Yes, a large variety. The works." Jake: "What about vitamins, sleeping pills, Geritol, antidotes for Parkinson's disease?" Pharmacist: "Absolutely." Jake: "You sell wheelchairs and walkers?" Pharmacist: "All speeds and sizes." Finally satisfied, Jake says to the pharmacist: "OK, we'd like to use this store as our Bridal Registry."

The Golden years are here at last.
I cannot see, I cannot pee.
I cannot chew, I cannot screw.
My memory shrinks, my hearing stinks.
No sense of smell, I look like hell.
The Golden years have come at last.
The Golden years can kiss my ass.

Retirement Planning Advice
If you had purchased $1000.00 of Nortel stock one year ago, it would now be worth $49.00. With Enron, you would have had $16.50 left of the original $1000.00. With WorldCom, you would have had less than $5.00 left. If you had purchased $1000 of Delta Air Lines stock you would have $49.00 left. But, if you had purchased $1,000.00 worth of beer one year ago, drank all the beer, then turned in the cans for the aluminum recycling REFUND, you would have had $214.00. Based on the above, the best current investment advice is to drink heavily and recycle.

“The age of a woman doesn’t mean a thing. The best tunes are played on the oldest fiddles.”

"If people concentrated on the really important things in life, there'd be a shortage of fishing poles."

take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night.

"These days, I spend a lot of time thinking about the hereafter.
I go somewhere to get something... then wonder what I'm here after."

The only two things we do with greater frequency when we get older
is urinate and attend funerals.

Do you realize that in about 40 years, we'll have thousands of old
ladies running around with tattoos?

"I've seen it all, done it all, heard it all. I just can't remember it all!"

Hope you got a chuckle....Talk Soon   M.

More Feedback

 Anonymous said...

You are so right! MT has no clue on what is going on here. Wayne and Roe are a joke. As stated before, he is here to do a hachet job and residents are seeing there is NO one around doing anything except Cindy. Our trees and shrubs are dying, no water or sprinklers working in our gardens around buildings, grass is dying. Everyday for the past years you were awakened by gardners in the yard,working in the hallways once a week, now our halls, stairs, carpets and railings are full of dirt and dust, rags left, trash left. It's a shame how it has gone so downhill around here. We are waiting for notice of the RESIDENTS MEETING and to do something about this place. Screw the Snowbirds, they are not here but for a few months, we live here all year round and should have the loudest voice!! Call the board and call AAM Corporate Offices! They can be replaced too. Let's keep the police and we do not want higher dues for nothing getting done around here. Let's unite and make those calls!!!!
September 26, 2011 3:07 AM


show details 7:25 PM (13 hours ago)
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Automated External Defibrillator ??":

cost of defibrillators is $1200. to $1500. plus each. Who is going to pay for them???? 


Anonymous to me
show details 3:01 AM (5 hours ago)
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "More Residents Speak Out......Thank You":

I would like to see any one of you try to do the job that they do. Maybe you should try to be more helpful and try talking to them instead of being so rude and not giving them a chance, you decide you dont like them because maybe they didnt do something the way you wanted them to, so you try and get them fired. I know Wayne works very hard trying to make things right, and having to listen to all of you complaine about everything. Maybe we should all try to be on the same team for once, instead of acting like spoiled children, and to those of you who like to gossip and spread rumors, STOP IT! Lets work together to make our home a nice place to live again. Thank You. M.T

Anonymous to me
show details 8:26 AM (5 minutes ago)
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "More Residents Speak Out......Thank You":
Its very obvious that MT hs no idea of things going on here, Wayne and Roe must go and the residents it seems are going to be having their own private meeting and I will be sure to attend, Please webmaster try to come up with a date all agree on so we may have a meeting!! MT your opinion sucks this is not about being mean its about things being wrong here........... WAKE UP...

Anonymous to me
show details 3:12 AM (5 hours ago)
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Rumors ??":

Mr LK You are a very rude and uncaring person. Its not waynes fault, its the board. Why dont you give him a chance to fix the mess he came into. Shame on all of you for being so nasty. he is always here, and he is very kind and listens to our problems and tries to get them fixed. Our buildings are very old, lets work together not against everyone. There will never be a manager that any of you will like, you will always find something to complain about, find a new hobby and leave Wayne alone

Anonymous to me
show details 8:29 AM (4 minutes ago)
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Rumors ??":
Another resident who has no clue, What we need is a manager that works, we dont need to like them just TRUST them and at this time it is not happening, We need changes here and we will have them this is our community
 Mr JG

3 New Places to Eat In The Neighborhood

 Jimmy John's Gourmet Sandwiches
All of the tasty sub sandwiches are a full 8 inches of homemade French bread, fresh veggies and the finest meats & cheese I can buy! And if it matters to you , we slice everything fresh everyday in this store, right here where you can see it. (No mystery meat here!) Sandwiches are Huge and cost about $4.50, We have eaten here EXCELLENT SUB'S AND SANDWICHES....Also serve Beer and Drinks

4716 E. Cactus Rd
Tel: 602-710-2281 
They Also Deliver Here To Anasazi

At Genghis Grill, diners' build their own bowls' from a selection of fresh meats, oils, vegetables, sauces, and spices in Khan's Kitchen (a food bar featuring an array of over 80 ingredients). The diner then hands the creation over to one of our Grill Masters, who cooks it on a large, round grill in a matter of moments. Call it build your own stir-fry fun, unlimited variety, interactive, and delicious! When it comes to Mongolian Stir Fry, we are the experts.

Genghis Grill - The Mongolian Stir Fry
4722 E. Cactus Rd
Phoenix, AZ 85032
Sunday - Thursday 11 AM - 10 PM
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Phone: (602) 765-2695


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, AZ 85032

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We’re family owned and family first. Our commitment to hometown values of working hard and welcoming our guests with genuine hospitality and fresh, made only after you order meals have helped us bring our signature ButterBurgers and fresh Frozen Custard to over 428 restaurants across the country.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Residents Private Meeting ?? Your Thoughts ?

I have received numerous emails with the subject of Residents having their own Private Meeting to discuss things of importance to us

BEFORE the Budget Meeting with Board on October 19th...So I will look forward to hearing your thoughts on the subject, It ,may be a good idea to get organized before the Board Meeting. This will keep the Board from railroading us Residents again, As you know this meeting on October 19th is to discuss getting rid if all security here at Anasazi and to RAISE the HOA fee's another $30.00 a month.
Its time we realize that these Board positions can be taken away for No Competency..I think it is time we no longer allow the board to have meetings where we have no chance to talk or give us 2 minutes to speak,

THIS IS OUR COMMUNITY !! and the Board sole job is to be the Voice of the residents, Which of late is not happening
So I look forward to your mails and comments 



Anonymous to me
show details 12:47 PM (1 hour ago)
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Residents Private Meeting ?? Your Thoughts ?":


We must be prepared for this meeting. And we must be prepared to ask for a "NO COMPETENCY" vote on Board President Herb Homnick and any Board Member that is not representing the views and concerns of the residents

Friday, September 23, 2011

Reply ??

Anonymous to me
show details 4:17 PM (53 minutes ago)

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Contact for Board ??":

Attention Mr. S.

Mr. Herb Komnich lives on property. Building #2

Brian also lives on property, building #12 I believe.

Very telling about the Boards attitude on giving their contact information willingly!

Did any Board Member call you or write you giving you their information? These Board Members do not want to have contact with the residents!!!!!


Board has made no attempt to contact or reply here

Automated External Defibrillator ??

M. Ibing to me, boardofdirecto., wyurk, Janet, Janice
show details 7:36 PM (15 hours ago)

Hello Mr. S

Not to say that Anasazi is an assisted living facility, the EMS/fire truck incidents observed at the complex since the beginning of my remodeling efforts that started mid August this year strongly suggest what has been a life saver in public places, airplanes, shopping centers, grocery stores included: the AED, also known as the Automated External Defibrillator. This device can be a life saver at the Anasazi complex, installed at each building at the center of every building at every level.  More info in this device

It obviously requires, however, that the HOA a) adopts this suggestion, and b) the HOA organizes a training in the use of this device together with general CPR training through the Red Cross or any other voluntary health services organization, hospital or medical office.  This is where the HOA has another possibility, among many, to show that it is committed to the well being of its constituents.

Potential life savers are worth more than a casual discussion!  I'll be happy to hear from you.


Mr. M

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Contact for Board ??

Anasazi Board -  You Decide !!

Herb Komnick – President- (602) 548-0550   
???  Building 12
Phoenix, Az 85255

Robert Burchmore – Vice President (480) 659-1776
8427 E Calle Buena Vista  ?????
Scottsdale, Az 85255

Brian Mcbride - Treasurer/Secretary -   ????
12222 N Paradise Village Pkwy #3   ????
Phoenix Az 85032

Izzy Fromm  Director- (602) 996-6203
12212 N Paradise Village Pkwy S # 434
Phoenix. Az 85032

Janet Frintner – Director  - (602) 867-8828
12222 N Paradise Village Pkwy S # 450
Phoenix Az. 85032

More Feedback

Anonymous to me
show details 1:02 PM (3 hours ago)

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "OPEN LETTER TO ANASAZI BOARD":

YES! Absolutely. And as part of being a Board Member the Member must make themselves available to the residents.

It is a know fact that the President of the Board does not want to be contacted or bothered by the residents!

THEN GET OFF THE BOARD and make room for someone who is out and about, and has a "CLUE" on waht goes on in our community.

Should the residents have a meeting before the October 19th budget meeting?

Posted by Anonymous to Anasazi Living at September 22, 2011 1:02 PM 
Anonymous to me
show details 1:35 PM (3 hours ago)

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Police Security Here At Anasazi / Reposted":

GREAT LETTER from Officer Ryan!

Thanks goes to all of the Officers that have keep us safe for 5 years, and the residents look forward to another 5 years of their community policing and protection.


Posted by Anonymous to Anasazi Living at September 22, 2011 1:35 PM 

Anonymous to me

MAYBE we should get one of these for Roe in the Office   ??? 
Mr F.Sept 22  8:32pm
Anonymous said...Or as a going away gift !!!!!
September 23, 2011 9:41 AM


We have on a couple occasions asked the HOA Board if they wish to address the community here on our blog, BUT as of yet no ones to take the first step, I will be publishing all board members addresses and phone numbers later this week, Although it looks lie according to records that 2 board members live outside the community, Anyone that has information to this regard please send here, Which may set up a great poll question?  Do you think Board Members should live here and be full time residents???   Your thoughts??

Police Security Here At Anasazi / Reposted

Hello Residents, Have received this email from the police station that guards our property and would like to extend our thanks to them for helping keep our community safe.The officers we have on property are always polite and  doing a great job....Thank You to me

show details 9:48 AM (1 hour ago)

First and foremost your site is an excellent information source and I find myself checking it out from time to time to see if anything pops up that we can assist the community with as the officers that provide security for the complex during the nighttime hours.

Most of the residents who attend the meetings already know who I am however I feel that community based policing is the key to creating a safe environment and having knowledge of who works in your community is important. Without the residents calling the security phone or stopping to speak to one of us on duty we would not have known about a lot of the security issues plaguing the community.

I would like to give you a list of the officers that have been working in this community for the past 5 years now just to give everyone an idea of who they see on a nightly basis.

Friday, Saturday, and Sunday's are staffed by Det. Mike Willie, Det. Chris Scott, or Det. Mike Long. Ofc. Grant Razon works on Monday's and I (Ofc. Ryan Nielsen) work Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday's. Ofc. John Mason works every other Tuesday as well.

Our goal is to provide the residents with the safest community in the Phoenix area. As with any large complex there will always be some issues however we strive to make sure that every resident feels safe in the community.

Please forward any concerns to my email @

Thank you,

Ryan Nielsen #8028

Cactus Park Precinct

91G Squad

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Miss M

Unfortunately  Miss M does not understand Open Forum, Contrary to your 2nd email, Your post and your "buddys" post both were published here..So True To Form This is An Open Forum, Your letters and opinions are also welcome here as long as they concern the community 
I am the Messenger!!  Any points or notes from me will always say FROM THE WEBMASTER.  So thank you for your mail These are just things residents talk about at the pool or meeting or just sitting at the patio...This is a Place to be Heard, Honestly thought there would be more compliments here ?  But people are not happy and from the mail received they are pleased this forum is available...BEST OF ALL ..Your HOA'S  dont pay it   This site is privately funded and has no advertising, so no money is profited here
 Miss M to me

Miss M has left a new comment on your post "OOOOP'S":
I am one of the ding bats that you so kindly talked about, no where did I mention THE WEBMASTER my beef is with the nasty comments. I am very happy you yourself are so successful. My comments were to the people who wrote very mean things and if that was you then that is your problem. I did notice you didn't put up my comments nor the other ladies, which is your right. However that shows me that this is not an open forum. And also I am far from a lonely person, and once again never did I say it was you. As for the Friday night yahoos thanks but no thanks have better things to do with my time.

More Residents Speak Out......Thank You

[Anasazi Living] New comment on Thank You Cindy

Anonymous to me
show details 10:14 AM (14 minutes ago)

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Thank You Cindy":

Cindy is the best! I agree with the above posting.

Remember how clean and neat the buildings were when Jake and Cindy visited every building every week!

I agree either Roe or Wayne must be removed from the office and put to work on building maintainence.

Roe! Riding around in a Golfcart smoking, or walking around the grounds smoking is "NOT" in your job description!


2 waisted salaries in the office!


Anonymous to me
show details 10:24 AM (7 minutes ago)

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Residents Uproar !!! -- Office Staff":

Yes MRS. H This is how the well trained, outside hires that Wayne Yurk has brough in protest the assets of our community!

I am sure they forgot to pick them up after they finished their sword fight with the broom handles they were suppose to be using to clean something.

This office staff, and outside maintainence company "MUST BE REPLACED"

Wayne Yurk has "NO CLUE" how this community works, and him and Roe will never fit into this community.

Board Members. Please replace the Office Staff!!!!!

Open Letter From Webmaster

Received 2 letters from Residents who want to know if I am a bully or my Mother is proud of me, because they think these are my comments....WAKE UP Mrs MC and  Miss M, First off you two dingbats have not realized that these are comments coming from your fellow residents NOT from the Webmaster, This is why this forum is here to be a place for open criticism or good comments alike. Just seems like at this time many residents are unhappy with the things going on here...And as far as calling a Lawyer....WAKE UP  this is a blog and it is entitled to free speech,Now in answer to those ladies questions Yes I was the bully in school and yes my Mother is very proud of her successful son and very proud that I have taken a active part in my community,Along with the 2 companies I own and the other 16 websites I Own and Publish.. Sooo Miss M  and Mrs C  you do not have to read this blog if you are unhappy it has a switch just like your TV....Just seems like you 2 may be some of the weak links living here that are not helping....We the strong here will survive and I will continue to live here and post comments from Residents..I have always listed my Phone number and email here so there is no mystery about the writer of this blog...I own it and may write whatever crosses my desk...To all the rest of you Thank you for your continued patronage..

Side note to residents-------Last week I wrote the article saying The office was trying to do a good job and was sent many emails saying I was nuts but thats why people like this open forum because we all have our opinion  BUT seems like the 2 ladies above cant follow a simple thing like reading or they would have realized this was not my mind speaking.....Maybe Mrs C and Miss M   should try going to meet and greet on Friday They sound very lonely!!!     

Thank You Cindy

Well a hats off to Cindy, Our Anasazi Grounds Lady who is always a busy beaver and working hard for the community,It seems she is the only one working around here, Except for the 3 others that you cant talk to because they only speak Spanish, We need to get back to a full crew of maintenance people here and not and army in the office, We used to have 5 workers outside and one person in office, Now we have 2 people getting paid in the office and a very few working on grounds....Thanks again Cindy you are a sweetheart and aways a smile when talking to residents

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Residents Uproar !!! -- Office Staff

show details 9:33 AM (48 minutes ago)

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "OOOOP'S":

Can Wayne ever get everything to work at the same time?

* The spa in pool #1 is cold! Has
not been "HOT" since reopening??

* The Water Falls in pool #1,
closest to the Clubhouse are
still not working??

* The lightning underneath the
fountains in pool #1 are still
not working??

* The Ping Pong Table in the
Gameroom has not been replaced.
2 months??

Now pool #3 may need more work? I am sure if pool #3 was done incorrectly pool #1 probably has the same issues!

Guess the water bill will keep growing(Wayne) 

Anonymous to me
show details 9:42 AM (40 minutes ago)

 on your post "More Residents Voice Their Opinion !!":

I agree with the above posting!

If Wayne is the community manager and working in the office,
then Cindy can train Roe on how to clean buildings. The buildings are filthy, 
the hallways are filthy, the stairs are filthy!!!

Roe can replace Jake and be Cindy's partner.
Remember Jake, Fran and he son have not been replaced.

GOOD LUCK Roe in your new assignment...... 
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post                  9/20/2011 11:53am

Proof is right here The cleaner and rag is still here But nothing has been cleaned and nobody around...
can and rag here since Friday   Does anyone no what is going on around here?
Mrs H   Build 12


Mrs. M.C. has left a new comment on your post "Rumors ??":

Its so sad that some people have nothing better to do with their time except bad mouth the new HOA. Most things around here are over 20 years old, and things break.
So what if the pools are down, we have 3 more we can go to. Who ever you are, YOU have said some very mean things about Wayne and Roe. I`m sure your Mother is very proud of you!! If I was either one of them I`d be seeing a Lawyer, but then you don`t have the guts sign all your nasty, hurtful blogs. I have seen children who act better then you guys do. Maybe you have to much time on your hands, try being nice NOT so hateful. From what I have read YOU need to get a life. 
Miss M has left a new comment on your post "OOOOP'S":

The person or people leaving comments on this site as anonymous, must have been the school, and town bully's
. The way you guys are slandering Wayne and Roe is way out of line.
It seem to me that you are nit picking and have too much time on your hands.
Sure would not like to have you as a friend, cause the first time their was a disagreement, you`d be mouthing off to everyone.
If you don`t like it here then leave. STOP all your crap and grow up and do something better with time.