Saturday, August 4, 2012

More Former Employee's & Resident's Speak!!!!

Dear Webmaster
Here is what we learned from the arborist at Turner Tree (since I don't know much about trees, We deferred to the professionals) 
The trees nearing  the end of their life.
Trimming live branches from the pines will shorten their life
The pines need to be deep-root fertilized.  

(Remember when the pink ribbons were put around many of the trees?)  

It caused many residents to panic because they were thinking that those trees were going to be removed.  But those ribbons marked the trees that had been fertilized because we wanted to know if they money we were spending on this fertilizer was really doing anything.  

Well, we sure got our moneys worth because all of the trees that were fertilized had no deadwood after one year.)
Obviously the grass isn't being fertilized either.  So, the trees are gettng nothing.
Money needs to be set aside for tree replacement.

Mr Webmaster

Looking at the numbers provided for Landscape Company, Tree Trimmers and Cleaning Crews should open everyone's eyes to the waste or worse of our HOA Fees.

$2,700.00 per week to mow dead lawns!  No new landscaping going on this property!

$17,000.00 per year for tree trimming and thinning. Trees have not be trimmed in 2 years.  The dead or dying trees with yellow tape around them were to be removed 5 months ago....still here.

$30.00 per hour for cleaning crew who pretend to clean. Wayne go down to the unemployment offices and hire as many people as you want for $10.00 per hour to really clean buildings!  YOU SUPERVISE THEM!  

WHO IS WATCHING THE HEN HOUSE?  Who is over seeing this wasted spending of our HOA Fees?
Who is supervising Wayne?  What are the checks and balances in place to prevent this board from wasting our money on the above? 

This is what happens when you have a board that does not live here on property and is completely  disconnected from the community. 

When you hire a management company to releave you of your responsibilities this is what you get. If all the residents see what a terrible job AAM and this management team is doing, why does the board refuse to fire them and then insult us by telling us what a great job they are doing!  

We can see the pictures, just walk the property. 
This property needs a complete house cleaning and returned to the great job Marianne and Rossmar were doing.
MS. Build  #13

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