Monday, May 7, 2012

Petition Drive Coming

Do You all want to wait till these years to remove this Board or do we get the 25% vote on a petition to remove them??

Anasazi Village Boards & Committees

Name Position Term Expires
 Robert Burchmore President 2013
 Janet Frintner Vice President 2014
 Izzy Fromm Treasurer/Secretary 2014
 Brian McBride Director 2015
 Faye Roberts Director  2015

We will keep you apprised because we are organizing a massive blitz to remove these people from using us any longer

When terms expire, directors will be elected by a vote of the members at the annual meeting.

Contact the Board

If you were at meeting when they acted dumb about not knowing about emails sent to them?
Have them explain what this email is for.......They will FIB again...Faye said she checks??  BS .............
Petitions are in the works with a HOA Lawyer guiding us, It will take a couple months to get things legal and running..BUT STAY TUNED...ITS HAPPENING
Wake up Board and Residents..whether you like this blog or not It has a HUGE IMPACT HERE AT ANASAZI
WHY ??  Anyone searching the terms Anasazi, Anasazi condos, Anasazi board.etc  they are all directed to this site, Too techo for our board but not the rest of the world
Really anyone looking here will read how horrible this place is run...MY FAULT ? NO NO NO......Get this community back on track and they will come...I know if I saw what was happening here I would look to buy down the street. I am at top of Google searches here for Anasazi...The Board can act like this website doesn't matter but the 2000 people a week that read it know better.........Lets get into 2012 here and lose the 1950's approach we have now...
You will be voted out
PS: {The Webmaster will not be running}..But will be backing a Real Board HERE....We have 4 very over qualified people now that are interested in the race...INTERESTED ?  CONTACT ME  Thanks again for all the readership  
Our Board
Brian = Wife sells Real estate here
Robert = Insurance Sales.(Does not live here)
Janet = Real Estate agent
Izzy = Not a Owner!  He Rents ?
Faye = Stewardess ?? Still trying to figure this one out
Great I guess for serving coffee at meeting ??  
This is our Board.. You don't think they use it for personal gain ?? 
Cant wait to hear your replies

Anonymous said...

MaHa Webmaster. It does not matter if you have every CC&R ever written....They do not have to be enforced and this board knows it.

You have CC&R'S covering Parking, Noise, Length of Rentals, Pool Rules. These are the most visible ones and the board will not even enforce them!

The only way to get a board and this board to enforce 

CC&R'S is thru legal action. This board and all 
other boards
 are betting that no one will hire an attorney 
and take legal action against them!!!

If the board is going to spend thousands of dollars 

removing Pine Trees, let the trees stay another year 
and take that money and pave the most used walkways. (Leadership) There are simple solutions to the problems here at Anasazi, the board chooses to make everything confrontational.


May 6, 2012 11:40 AM

Anonymous said...

Please confirm that Izzy rents here and "IS NOT" an owner!
May 7, 2012 8:43 A
Webmaster Note
Izzy's Daughter owns the unit and he rents !!!


Anonymous said...

Please confirm that Izzy rents here and "IS NOT" an owner!

Anonymous said...


Izzy is a "RENTER" How does a "RENTER" get the position of Treasurer" on our board?

"RENTERS" are evil people!

IZZY! Time is now for you to resign!

Anonymous said...

Dear Sir, For many months I have to say I had thought you took an over aggressive
approach here on this website, But of the last couple months and speaking with
my neighbors,
I must say I have come to agree with most that is printed here

Now I am not saying I believe some of the sarcasm could be lightened some

I must say I feel your frustration as well, It is very apparent, Why are board meetings
are like a trip to the dentist here, Many residents have tried to take an approach
as you have,
And I must say they all got the same treatment, That we the residents are
talked down to like this
Board is a government agency

But many many people I have spoken with are appreciating
the time and energy that you have put in here at Anasazi
That many of of have lost during the
last few years here

It just became such an aggravation for people to get involved
that many just stay away

I must commend you and believe that if you organize a petition here it will be
an over whelming success

I do suggest you get 1-2 people to canvass their own building, And also explain this
does not mean we are saying these
Board Members are bad people, But we need some better qualified people
to keep Anasazi the upscale community it is

So in closing Sir, Keep up the good work, and
thank you for being a voice that refuses to be told shut up