Thursday, May 31, 2012

More..From .Former Employee

"Dear Mr. Sansone:
As a former employee I find this website kind of sad.  In the past we all worked so hard to keep Anasazi clean and nice and we were able to be proud of what we did.  
There is no way to get the top of the carports clean except getting your Building Services crew up on ladders with rakes and blowers.  (Make sure they cover the cars...or have them moved.) 

 They should have done it before it got hot though. It takes awhile but you only have to do it 3 to 4 times a year if you keep up with it.     

Oh, never mind, you don't have a Building Services crew anymore do you...just some outside company to sweep walkways.   

I don't know about the rest of the former staff, but I'd come most of them would too.....
Thank you."

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