Sunday, May 6, 2012

In Response to Marta (Susie Q)

Here is the Landscaping behind Building 5..Dont know about Beautiful   DEAD GRASS, DEAD TREE'S  Etc Etc.....

So it was a Great Decision that Wayne made to change landscapers
and the new ones are supposed to have quiet blowers  Thanks Wayne..Much Needed

Anonymous said...

Reply to Marta. Look out you back door and see:

* Dead Pine Trees
* Dead Lawns
* Dead Plants not being replaced
* Cactus Garden, plants getting 
no water, water has been turned
* Filthy parking lots
* Dumpsters overflowing
* Waterfalls rotting away and not

Where is the Spring grass seed planting? Where 

is the Airiation of the lawns so the water will get 
to the roots of the grass? Where is the fertilization 
of plants and lawns? The soil should be wet 2 to 3 ft" down 
this time of year to get everything going for Spring and Summer.

The GARDEN GUY from Channel 3 needs to visit Wayne and fill him in on how to take care of this property!
May 6, 2012 11:55 AM

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