Thursday, May 17, 2012

Coming out of the Woodwork !!!!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Long time reader.

First Time Writer

Hasn't it been about 1 year since AAM and this Management Team started their planned destruction of this community?

If the above is true about Dan & Pete then the planned process is complete. The whole staff from Rossmar days will be gone.

Who will be working and doing anything on this property on a daily basic if Dan & Pete leave?

I will have to learn a third language to communicate with anyone driving a Golf Cart.

Dan and Pete must stay, AAM, the board and this management team should be replaced immediately.

If you have not walked this property lately please do so soon and see the difference between how Rossmar and Marianne keep everything beautiful and what AAM and Wayne are doing to this place.

If Wayne terminates Dan and Pete maybe he can keep going and terminate the board.

ANASAZI is out of control right now, the inmates are running the Asylum.
May 16, 2012 12:06 PM

 Anonymous said...

AMEN to this comment. This is so true on how our community has gone down hill since AAM has arrived!!
May 16, 2012 2:57 PM
Anonymous said...

Then it is time for all to rally and speak up, not just complain, to get the board out and AAM out. We need to petition and everyone should call the board or email until it hurts, also contact AAM on what is going on here. 
Water is cut so the plants are dying and not replaced, furniture is back by the pools, not repaired, flowers and color is gone around the complex. We need to unite and get something going here!!
 No one is cleaning the halls and building on days specified! Why should we have people like this office here when they don't talk to residents and tell the crew not to talk to anyone. That is the whole idea, we have a community here and all must look out for each other!
May 16, 2012 3:05 PM
Anonymous said...

We can't get former crew members back unless the residents and owner take Anasazi back!! 

We need to run the property ourselves and hire our own Property Managers who have the personalities to do the job!!
May 16, 2012 3:08 PM
Anonymous said...

We also need the nets back around the pools!!!! This will get debris and 

even small animals, which we have removed from the filters,

 out of the pool and filters!!! Could even save a small child if needed!! 

PUT the nets back!!!

May 16, 2012 3:17

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