TO WAYNE....WTF...U PROMISED US QUIET BLOWERS SO MAYBE WE CAN SLEEP HERE SOME MORNING?? Now the pool guy has a blower with 4 speeds, dual exhaust and headers on it ...PLEASE TAKE IT AWAY GIVE HIM BACK THE HOSE
PS TO Anonymous ..Email about Chicago Politics and Hate... Sign your name! Quit being a Chicken Shit , I sign my posts, But you Dont ?? I look forward to your signed email ....., If you don't like the blog?? It has a switch like the TV!!
PS TO Anonymous ..Email about Chicago Politics and Hate... Sign your name! Quit being a Chicken Shit , I sign my posts, But you Dont ?? I look forward to your signed email ....., If you don't like the blog?? It has a switch like the TV!!
BUT you cant help yourself !!
Its OK we understand, ....BORED??
Anonymous said...
To Anonymous who stated ""RENTERS" are evil people!". Up yours!!! I am a renter, have been for over 4 years with another 2 to go. I pay enough in "Rent" to pay the HOA and more. So, whether you're speaking about Izzy or whoever, watch your language!!!
From: A renter!!!!
Anonymous said...
2 questions for MaHa WebMaster.
* When will the petition be ready
for signing? Where can it be
* Do you have to be a owner to be
on the board?
* Do you have to be a owner to be
on the board?