Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Etc Etc Etc..........

TO WAYNE....WTF...U PROMISED US QUIET BLOWERS SO MAYBE WE CAN SLEEP HERE SOME MORNING??   Now the pool guy has a blower with 4 speeds, dual exhaust and headers on it ...PLEASE TAKE IT AWAY  GIVE HIM BACK THE HOSE

PS TO Anonymous ..Email about Chicago Politics and Hate...  Sign your name! Quit being a Chicken Shit , I sign my posts, But you Dont ??   I look forward to your signed email   ....., If you don't like the blog?? It has a switch like the TV!!   

BUT you cant help yourself !!    

Its OK we understand, ....BORED??  

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous who stated ""RENTERS" are evil people!". Up yours!!! I am a renter, have been for over 4 years with another 2 to go. I pay enough in "Rent" to pay the HOA and more. So, whether you're speaking about Izzy or whoever, watch your language!!!
From: A renter!!!!

May 8, 2012 8:21 AM

Anonymous said...

2 questions for MaHa WebMaster.

* When will the petition be ready

for signing? Where can it be

* Do you have to be a owner to be
on the board?
May 8, 2012 1:39 PM
Webmaster Note:  Many emails about the landscaping!!  At meeting Wayne disclosed that our present landscape company is not keeping things up to par, Now let me start by saying that Wayne did all the footwork to find a Good company for our grounds
Not only did he hire the #1 Landscape company in Az for the last few years , But they are providing better service, more services and save us about 12,000 a year minimum, They are also not using our golf carts any longer and using Blowers that are less noisy Now I know the Board acted like it was their work that did this by the way it was portrayed at meeting.BUT All credit goes to Wayne on this plan
In answer to the petitions.  It will take a couple months to get things organized and it is in the works, Also like stated we need 1-2 people per building to go out and represent their building getting petitions, also a large mail campaign to Not visiting Residents has started....
Our Board has made this mess over the last years We can wait a few more months to rid our selves of this problem...Stay tuned  
As far as being an owner on the Board ?? Doesn't look that way!!  Izzy is a Renter and on the Board...BUT We don't follow any rules here so Why start now

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wayne. With all the money U are saving from not watering and changing landscaping companies, what about stepping up and replacing the pool furniture!!!!!

The pool furniture is falling apart and looks like the seating from Tommorrow Land at Disneyland late 60's????? People are falling thru the broken chairs and lounge chairs!

This community deserves and we pay enough to have new pool furnitue.

Thank you in advance for taking care of this situation....