Friday, July 6, 2012

Updates on CRUIZIN

 Anonymous said...

Not only does he speed in here, when he uses the pool he blows his snot right in the pool. WHAT A PIG Guess he was never taught to use a hanky or Kleenex. Mr Cruizin needs to learn some manners. 
Does he not know that his action can cause other people to become very ill.
 I will not go in pool 3 because of him. If I had some slime
I'd put it all his roller-skate of a car.
July 6, 2012 6:58 PM
Anonymous said...

He's the idiot that uses snorkel gear in the pool.
July 6, 2012 7:01 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Maybe someone needs to let him know he won this award!!
July 6, 2012 7:29 PM

1 comment:

Simone said...

Hi everyone,

I saw "Cruizin" on the street today and he is a daughter and I were laughing. Someone should really say something to him. Especially with all the wonderful older ladies and small children here. God forbid he hits one of them or us....