Anonymous said...
Will someone please tell Izzy to just fade away into the Arizona Sunset! This man is preventing Anasazi from moving forward and finding solutions to all the problems here.
Problems that the board themselves created when bringing AAM to this property.
This man does not know that gal. stands for gallon, and ft' stands for feet as in this tree is 30 ft' tall.....PLEASE!
Watching these 5 Senior Citizens pat themselves on the back for the great job they are doing is embarassing. The People in the room just listen and do not challenge anything they are hearing.
VERY SAD Mr. Webmaster this is what the once great community of Anasazi has become.
Anonymous said...
As stated before Peralysis by Analysis is alive and well here at Anasazi. And it is being done by design to stop anything the residents want to happen. ie. Meet and Greet, Pool Security, Resident Parking.
The catch phrase from yesterdays meeting was "We will Study That"
No one here want a Block Watch Program. No one here requested a Block Watch Program.
Will you please put together a Meet & Greet with our Police Officers!!!!!
You can handle Pool Security on the weekends by rotating the current staffs schedule. No one needs to be hired. Give Roe 2 days off during the week and have her come in on Sat & Sun from 10AM till 5PM. Rotate with other staff members.
The day will come when someone breaks their neck jumping off rocks into the pool, or a 5 Year old get sucked down in the Spa and drowns while the gates are proped open with rocks and we have no one supervising. Signs ?????
Mrs. D Says
Mr Webmaster, It is very apparent the Board does not want you involved in their business,
But many of us chatted at pool this morning and all agreed the reason was
They know you have the power to organize against them!!
They have been bull dozing the older people here for years and it is a breath of fresh air to have someone PUT THEM IN THIER PLACE
Many here are silent on Blog but in support of you and I believe that
if you dont give up we can conquer, I also agree with you that this
complete Board are Assholes and I dont use that language often,
But as many here soooo frustrated
I think you are starting to realize that a very large audience..Keep up the Work..People are Noticing and backing you!!
Our Board is supposed to represent us?/ They only are on a Power TRIP .
and we think Brian has used Anasazi long enough to help his wife sell units here
Thanks again Mrs D
Well I now know why attendence at any Board Meeting here is a complete failure!!!
Because our BOARD is a FAILURE, The post the other day about these 5 silly senior citizens that sit around and pat themselves on the back!! Hilarious BUT True!
After meeting with about 16 residents the morning after Board Meeting the gossip was all the same. What a bunch of dummies we have on this Board,And Robert Burchmore is the Asshole of the week we all voted..Congratulations Robert
Now I know they are not sending me any Xmas cards lol, But After seeing that I organized the largest resident meeting in history here,and many many residents agree with meI think they may start to understand, We are not going away
We may be stuck here for the summer months, BUT During this time a Very large group of Residents here are organizing a very WELL FUNDED move to start removing and re electing new board members here, Board Members who work for the people, Not selling Real estate or Insurance..Yes Brian and Robert...I am talking to you..Got an Issueabout my opinion, I would love to talk with you..But you two dont have the hair on your balls to talk, You just hide behind the Board table like a couple of Sissys .......Yes I said SISSY
This Imperial Board of Dummies, May think they have a lock here..But surprises will catch them off guard..................Stay Tuned