Tuesday, October 2, 2012

More Mail

Yesterday (Monday) the landscape crew (What Landscape) was mowing the dead grass between and around Bldg's 9 and 10.  NOT THATCHING....MOWING.
The dirt, dust and dead grass clippings were so thick I gave the guy riding the mower a Face Mask to wear!

The cars are filthy, the parking lots are filthy and we are breathing all that crap.
To the lady who said this happens every year during this week!  This is what the property looks like all Summer.  Dead lawns, dead trees, filthy parking lots, dead plants not being replaced.  You can thank Wayne for the horrible shape this property is in, or maybe you think the property looks great!
WHAT ARE THEY MOWING?  The lawns are dead all the way to the bare dirt.  The bare dirt is so dry it is cracking.  Looks like the Mojave Desert or a dried up River Bed.
It is going to take more water to get the lawn areas back to the shape they were in PRE AAM than if Wayne would have maintained the lawns are year.  And why waste the water on the lawns for 4 months anyway!  You are just going to turn the water off after the visitors leave and let the lawns die again all Summer!
Wayne!  Instead of catering to the 75% of the people who do not live here all year around, visit 2 months out of the year or who do not even come here 1 day out of the year ( Birchmore ).....Take care of the 25% who do live here all year around and have to put up with you, Roe and AAM! 
You visitors have no idea how bad Wayne, Roe and AAM LLC is!  All you care about is if "YOUR" pool is heated.  OPEN YOUR EYES, TALK TO THE FULL TIME RESIDENTS!!!!!!
J #9 

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