Monday, February 6, 2012

Today's Comments

On Saturday Night, 2/4/12 around 8:00, went down to BBQ some steaks, heard a commotion by the dumpsters at Bldg 13, noticed 2 legs sticking out of the dumpster, started the BBQ, went over to see what was going on, there was a woman dumpster diving in there. Asked her if she was a resident, she said no, it was none of my business. 

Well, that started it off, told her to take a hike, this was a private property, she told me in to bug off (harsher words than this), which I again told her to take off ( harsher words), and she started to leave w/o not telling me to mind my own business. Another resident came by, asked what was going on, explained it to him, and he stated "oh, I thought you knew her"..Should of told him I thought it was his girlfriend...Anyway, no security came by, and I guess he must of called security ( According to another resident who told me the next day), but again, no security. 

This was now at 8:20 PM, and she stated that security changes their times to surprise people. Right...So, anyway, be aware that our property is not secure, and watch out for a White Female, about 5'8" tall, wearing beige pants and top. Can't tell you much more than that except she doesn't care what anyone says to her. Just an FYI.
By Anonymous on DOOMS DAY?? at 8:01 AM

Thank you for the comment, But 1st off why did you not just dial 911 and have them removed from property???

Another reason we need some balls around here, Many of you call me the bully here  lol    Maybe some people here need some of these , I would have pulled her out of garbage and held her till police arrived.(just what is needed)   

I walk the grounds nightly between 7pm and 1 pm nightly and always run into Security, Officer Nielson has posted here before and believe they do a great job here with time allotted by management

This is managemaent that does not pay security full time, Maybe if the police get a contract like AAM outsource employees we Will have security here all nite.   


ALSO I am wondering who the lady in the wheelchair is that lives back in the area of building 14, She has pulled up to me and many other residents as they get out of their car and she yells strange things, Religious rants etc...She dodges between cars while yelling she is an accident waiting to happen here

ALSO The blind man that picks up the dog poop with his bare hands ??    These are the kind of issues Marianne was verrry good at getting results and calling Senior Services!!! 

We should be here to help and observe those that might need help  We seem to be lacking this concern in the office...Another great quality that is missed here at Anasazi...Roe this is your department and think you should get on the bandwagon with these kind of things that are needed in a complex of so many seniors.. Not criticizing you just offering some info on some things that need to be addressed here

ALSO CLEAN YOUR PATIO'S ...Starting tomorrow I will be taking pictures of cluttered patio's....Roe ??  Violation Letters

Dont make the shame page here on Friday...including pics from bad patio's


Hi Webmaster, I would of call 911, but didn't bring my phone down with me, 
and all this pretty much happened pretty fast. As for security, 
I dont' have problem with them, I think Ryan and Mike are doing 
an excellent job, and they usually are around our area doing that time frame
 probably off that night, and as for grabbing her and holding her
 until the Police arrived, sorry,
 I think it would of escalated into a bigger issue.
 Next time I will bring my phone,

 but since I don't believe with the exception of you, 
Web Master, no one else gives a hoot.
By Anonymous on DOOMS DAY?? at 11:43 AM

Webmaster Comment

Yes I agree that Ryan would probably vote against us pulling anyone out of trash lol.
 And really appreciate  the time to write here and let us know of these
 kind of incidents, Another reason we need a Board 
that lives here and is awake after 6pm ...

Should know whats going on in your community!!   
Just like I have to take pics here of patio's rather than office
 getting off asses and walk and see some of the patio's 
 ONE I SEE FROM MY PATIO .........Is full of cigar boxes and red solo plastic cups all over....
.Looks like South Phoenix, Another has a wicker screen so worn out its terrible,

Time to issue some notes to owners of these rental or owned units 

 Cmon people Some of your patio's look like SH**  


Anonymous said...

The Phoenix Police Officers that work here are doing a stellar job! Ryan and the team care about Community Policing, building Relationships and Partnerships and want to be told if anything illegal is going on on the property.

It would be beneficial if the Police Officers were given more hours not less hours.

PATIOS!!!!! Anasazi is slowly becoming a middle of the road rental complex! Nothing special here anymore that you cannot find at another property. You have everything on Patios including residents drying their laundry from clothes lines hanging across their patios.

Afraid nothing is going to change with the Board! The qualified residents that could make a change and get Anasazi back to where it was a year ago, will not run. There are many qualified residents including you Mr. Webmaster that said "NO" So.....More of the same is coming! Get used to Brian, Faye, Janet, Izzy and Bob leading us down the road to nowhere with total support of AAM, Wayne and Roe.

There is a reason why Roe and Wayne are still here. In any other Professional enviroment these two would never survive! They would have been fired long ago,but they thrive here?????

Anonymous said...

Reply to Dooms Day.

In 2 weeks new members will be elected to the Board. It seems imperative that we the owners have imput and influence on who we want on the Board!

Almost 50% of the Property Owner here at Anasazi are Canadians! Where on the ballot is the Canadian representation? There is "NO" living on property requirement so Canadians qualify.

Seems all you need is a mailbox here and drive by once or twice a year and you qualify.

This Board is a "Closed Shop" and most are not invited to be a member.

Canadians, stand up and demand representation! You should have at least 2 members on the Board if not 3. Look at the make up of this Board, anything stand out to you??????