Anonymous Said
Who is paying the Board Airfare to come to meeting tomorrow
You know the board that does not live here
Burchmore is in Wisconsin,Faye is in Washington, Brian lives at McCormick Ranch
And you want to tell me they see the daily things going on here
Welcome back Mr S. Glad to see you haven't lost your touch. Question, isn't the meeting tomorrow, 6/21/12? I agree with you whole hardly, as most of the residents do. You are doing a great job, keep up the good work and thanks for this. Spoke to a gal today who stated her father from Chicago back in 1980's and heard about Anasazi, came to visit and was amazed how beautiful it was. Sure changed since then. So, keep up the good work and let's hope we can soon get rid of this HOA group. thanks
Hi Mr S, I think I need to clarify my message to you about Welcome back. that was not a slander nor disrespect, I thought you were on vacation, and just wanted to welcome you back. That's all. I would publish my name, but I'm not an owner, I lease from an owner for the last 4 years, and I'm not a Renter.. I know a few folks here, and they are great. So, I don't feel I have a right to actually say who I am. Anyway, thanks
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