Monday, April 30, 2012

BOARD MEETING Thursday ..5/3/2012!!

Webmaster Note
Another 25 Parking violation last nite    If we all parked in the right spots, Very simply we would know who does not belong here or who might be short term, THIS is one of the main reasons that the ticket issue was sanctioned by Board

Enough about relationships with other owners, until we find out who belongs here, UNTILwe weed out the bad ones BUT HOA RULES SAY THERE ARE NO DEALS ON PARKING  YOU PARK IN YOUR ASSIGNED SPACE PERIOD

Manfred ?/ Have printed your letter here in the comments...but it made no sense at all, There is nothing in CC&R'S to warrant lending away or renting your parking space;   ...Thanks for the note tho !!  ,,You seemed to have missed the meeting and the point! and have always respected your letters and opinions, But honestly believe you are missing the point for this short term crusade to just get some things aligned here.So we can get a better grip on temporary residents and yes it is at a minimum now, But a  great time to get things started, followed by a note to owners that this practice is not allowed
General Session Agenda
Board of Directors Meeting
May 3, 2012 – 3:30 p.m.


I. Call to Order

II. Approval of Minutes: April 23, 2012

III. New Business

a. New Landscape Vendors

b. Brown Law Group

c. Weekend Security at the Pools

d. Block Watch Town Hall Meeting

IV. Set Date and Time of Next Meeting

V. Homeowner Open Forum (3 minute limit per lot)

VI. Adjournment

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mr. Webmaster. Please do not let the Board confuse "Block Watch" with a "Police Officers Meet & Greet Get Together"

2 entirely different concepts! Do you agree?

Block Watch to me means having someone walk a designated area reporting back to the Police Officer if they see something suspicous. Meet & Greet is a get together so all residents can meet our GREAT Police Security Team and ask questions about security!

Seems to me 99% of Pool violations occur during the months of Jan-Apr when the visitors and short term renters are here. The Locals take care of each other during the 8 months the visitors are away...we follow the rules. Do you agree that additional coverage is needed Jan-Apr. Spend the money then not year around.

Keep up the good work!