Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Comment from Webmaster

After this note from me I will post at bottom the comments received on Management Report Card !!

BUR FIRST Lets get a few things straight!

Many months ago when the new company took over and there were many concerns, You all looked to this website for information and insight. We then showed that by myself

I was able to organize one of the largest resident meetings in many years.

To which you all came and expressed your concerns and we pushed till we did get results, Then we realized that the biggest problem plaguing us is our Board of Directors. So many of you again wrote and complained again and again.

NOW the real issue is this community lacks anyone with any initiative to do more than just complain, To all of the regular group of moaners here its time to stop talking unless you plan on taking action!!  Enough Crying and doing nothing!!

If I as one person has brought about this much change and coordination here JUST think if we truly put together a group of concerned residents??  There is nothing we cannot all accomplish together, I have talked a with a large number of folks lately who have these same concerns and are ready to start organizing a real committee here to get things on path with all areas of Anasazi. We have many many new willing and very able Owners that have expressed interest !1

We ALL know the major problem here is the Board that has NO BALLS PERIOD.. Even after all the defending of Brian I realize his also must be in a drawer some where.

.Bottom Line we need a fresh start of the Board here...AND WE HAVE THE TALENT AVAILABLE !!

We just need some hard working folks to step up and take the reigns!!

We have volunteers at this time working to get walkway bricks to their own buildings..and residents are responding well, Hats of to Paul and Robert in my building...This is done solely out of being owners who care

I know longer want to hear from the 5-6 that just lay around all day and think about bad comments and never show at a meeting or offer to help..Find a new Hobby !!

It is apparent after last Board Meeting with 25 people representing 600 owners, people turned away at Board Voting etc..You and your property are being controlled and you have no say in it

So hoping this will get some of you off your butts and start to become o positive member of the community..We have enough Stagnant here already.

This is an issue that may not have as speedy a remedy as we all would like, But if we really start to work together , the next elections could show us some new leadership if all band together for same cause   Keeping our community Beautiful and home values up !

In my report card some of you did not agree and those are the few that are never happy

I was one of the most outspoken of Wayne and Roe in Beginning..AND have also watched then grow into their positions here and validate the scores I gave then on my post,And will call any negatives I see here in future, As stated in the very beginning of this Blog 4 years ago..I Call it like I see it and there has been much improvement in our office and I have witnessed it 1st hand on more than one occasion

If the proper Board was watching, Residents could spend more time enjoying here rather than worrying what is next !

Ok Time for your comments of last week 

Anonymous said... 

Does anyone ever check parking spaces here anymore!!    We have people in all buildings parking in other spots and causing bedlam, We used to have tickets put on cars, I notice that all the poles have a towing company name I  think we as residents start having cars towed that are in others place maybe this will wake them up

Note from Webmaster: We have same problem in Building 5 and I have spoke with Officer on duty  about  towing of a list of cars we have compiled this last week from residents/

..Avoid the Tow !!   Park in YOUR Space..

Anonymous said...

Must say I would have loved to have had you giving me my grades thru High School and College!

What standards are you using?

Here are my unbiased grades for this team:

Wayne C-
Roe F (Flunking everything that
her position requires)
Dan B+
Pete B
Board F
Residents participation F

*** Dan and Pete could do better
but their hands are tied by

This old saying applies to all home owners here at Anasazi:

"You get what you deserve" When a board meeting is taking place on important issues and only 25 residences are represented out of 600 this is how you get and have to keep a Wayne, Roe, AAM and a board that does not represent the owners but represent their individual interests!

Mr. Webmaster sounds like you have gone to the "Dark Side"
I will own my comments but do not want my e-mail address shown.
As for Wayne i have had 2-3 encounters with him. Each time he responded in a timely professional manner and resolved my concerns.

Ro:  From the git-go had same response. She was very polite and helpful. I can only speak   for myself. As for the derogatory-insulting-ignorant remarks and name calling posting on the blog which appeared to be written by mean high school girls could it be what you put out is what you get in return?

Dan: I have known residents to have unsatisfactory, expensive jobs done  by him. He was arrogant and offered no adjustment when they had to have it done properly. I'm a long time resident and have never seen the knowledge you are claiming.

AAM:  I know nothing about the co. The contacts I had with them were similar to the others. As for budget etc. it's too early to judge. If you have concerns of mis-management you need to have an audit done instead of what's been happening here. It solves nothing.  
Lastly, Izzy did a magnificent job for 10 or so yrs with our money and kept the board honest. Now, he is older and slower and does not deserve the treatment he is receiving. He should be rewarded for his good work. He had no problem saying no to the board unlike Brian
Those personal attacks and juvenile name calling should never have been posted..are those people culturally deprived?. Where are the adults in Anasazi?. you all voted the board in.You should have done what I did. Wrote NONE OF THE ABOVE. I know nothing of new board members but do agree they should be full time residents.

Anonymous said...

ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!!! Eliminating the owners from meeting by changing the times and dates is not a happenstance.....it is planned! How can you defend or keeping giving these amatures any more chances!

Has anyone else noticed how bad the Clubhouse has become since AAM and this do nothing management team has arrived?

Took friends from out of state to the lower clubroom on Saturday! Rat traps and Mice traps everywhere in plan sight of visitors. Food on the floors what a mess. Went upstairs to play pool and was embarrased with the condition of the furniture. Looks like someone has been sleeping, peeing, or having sex on the couches! Switch plates were broken or missing on the walls, wires showing everywhere. I would not sit down or have our friends sit on the furniture.

WHERE ARE ALL OF OUR DUES GOING? You would think that Wayne, Roe or someone would notice how tacky the Clubrooms are looking. ( I realize they do not live here and 3 of the Board Members do not live here either) so they do not see how bad things are. Just take money out of this place.

Spend some of "OUR MONEY" on new seating, paint, pictures and wall outlet covers!

I would sell and move out but my 1 BR unit is worth 65% less than I paid for it.

PLEASE MAKE THE CLUBHOUSE PRESENTABLE. It is the first thing visitors see when visiting residents.

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