Friday, June 22, 2012

One Important Note

Well there was one important thing discussed at Board Meeting Yesterday and that is ALL RESIDENTS getting their units in complete compliance with plumbing, 

This is very important that all get checklist from office, This will save much heartache with leaks and floods in units, Please check with Roe or Wayne about this checklist!
Now we can discuss Fayes thoughts that we cannot ask people at pools if they live here, She states that this is not the neighborly thing to do, But also stated that we should go to neighbors that have gotten behind in HOA Fees and ask them to pay them ??????  And you think that is the neighborly thing to do ??  That is private info the office or Board should not share...These kind of ideas just concrete the notion that this Board needs to be revamped.........Along with all the important documents they have lost from all residents????

Or the gentleman that raised a question about AAM cashing his HOA checks late and charging a fee when it was payed on time, He was refunded twice but still cant get things straight........These are important issues that need to be addressed...Can anyone do or keep paperwork here or do we keep blaming old Management even a year later ??????

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sure they can blame old management 1 year later....They blame George Bush 3.5 years later!

Mr. Angry Birchmore a no show?????
May have been attending anger management sessions. First Class was sold out so he decided not to fly in. Just to hot for him to show up. Could not get a limo. Family issues. Just did not want to come. Pick one of the above!

Izzy has to be told by other board members that he is embarassing us and himself every time he attends a meeting. He must be asked to step down! His lack of knowledge on how to even use a calculator was unbelievable! And then after 2 minutes of silence while he did finally figure it out to say that the money spent was a waste of money was beyond words.

Izzy! $40.00 per hour X 4 hours per day = $160.00 per day. $160.00 X 104 days = $16,640.00 per year not the $30,000.00 figure you first came up with ??????

$16,640.00 divided by 600 condos = $27.74 per year per condo. $2.31 per month per condo for pool security (and this is for 4 hours per day on weekends) Come on Izzy. It is not the residents job to tell short term renters to keep their kids off the waterfalls and stop jumping off the waterfalls. Janet says to table the discussion on pool security while they monitor the situation. No one here on the weekends to monitor the situation Janet!

What good is money in the bank while the property you are suppose to be maintaining falls apart around you. It is far cheeper to maintain than it is to go in after years of negelect and re-do all that was negelected!