Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Resident Mail Says Board Pathetic

Dear Mr. Webmaster. Yesterday's board meeting can be summarized in one word "PATHETIC"

 This board, has figured out how to control the owners concerns and imput!

With only a 48 hour notice a meeting can be changed to any time and day of the week the board wants.

Watch out going forward. 6:30 meetings will now be held at 1:30 in the afternoon on Fridays???

RECAP: 30 people in the audience. Of the 30,5 were couples so 25 units were represented. 604 units / 25 represented = less than 5% of participation! Job well done board to control the attendance.

Bob the Board President chews out an owner for asking questions and making comments that make Bob look bad. Way to go Bob, great Leadership!

 Not only is the board out of touch! The dimist bulbs on the property (Owners)are the ones attending these meetings.

OWNERS! Do not worry about what you cannot control (development of property across the street)

Our enemies are not across the street they are right here among us! Focus on what is happening within our walls ( That you control) not outside.

 If this board decides to spent hundreds of thousands of dollars repairing waterfalls in pools #1 & #2 they are insane! Pool #1 has 3 waterfalls in the pool and 1 in the spa. Do not spend 1 dollar repairing the large waterfall that backs up to bldg #11.

 Leave the phony rock structure that hides the equipment and take out the waterfall! Same for the spa waterfall. How many waterfalls does a pool need? ANSWER...NONE! Look at the money being spent to heat 4 pools. Educated guess $40,000 per month!

 Come on. Heat 1 on each side of the property. 2 & 5 would work. Board members it is time to say no to some of these suggested expendures.

None visible on this board.
By Anonymous on So Who is Acting ..And Who is Talking at 1:25 PM

Anonymous  Said

Just a quick note to those that may care, Spent last 3 days at pool and talked to a bunch ( 4 Couples) who all said they were here renting for the week and one couple for 2 weeks  ALL had rented off internet..So much for 30 day policy!!  I wonder how many of these residents will infest us during spring break?? Or does No One Care   Just Wondering !!    Keep up the Good Work Webmaster Mike

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mr. Webmaster. You should start a petition to get Wayne Yurk voted onto the Board.

Unlike 3 of the current board members that do not live on property year around or AT ALL (Bob, Brian and Faye), Wayne is here everyday and knows what is right and wrong on the property and what needs to be done.

With Wayne's extensive background in Management, Community Relations, Engineering and Public Relations Wayne is a perfect candidate for the position.

Let's take advantage of all the positive qualities Wayne has to improve Anasazi and get Anasazi back to where it was in the past.

Thank you Wayne, job well done!