Monday, December 19, 2011

Overflowed with Calls and Mails

So it seems the Board pulled a sneak move an appointed ANOTHER antique to the board till 2014?? This should only be an appointed position till the residents vote or was this another ploy to keep the board a bunch of washed up dummies!!!

I have been slammed with people asking me to reconsider running for board!!!

My answer is this if we can get 3 other strong people to run along with me we may have a chance to get Anasazi back to the community we are used to

This will mean that we have to get petitions signed to remove Janet and Izzy for No competency vote, 

This would be easy and then Robt Burchmore who does not live here and lives full time in another community here in Scottsdale will be removed, This will open 3 seats plus the new appointed would make 4 new board members to add Brian and we would have a new efficient board that takes the board job serious and not just a bragging tool for outdated board members 

Our Board has let us down and it is apparent by board meeting with only 21 residents attending and then again saying they could not speak at meeting, The private meeting run by me brought over 70 folks
We can move forward after the holiday

Then the New Board can a hand on Budget and management issues

Get off your Butts and lets find 2-3 other STRONG Qualified people for this board, Izzy sleeps during meeting and Janet is past her time..By Far !!  And The Vice President ?  He LIVES FULL TIME in another community in Phoenix  run by AAM 

P.S Time for some kudos to Brian Mcbride who we can all tell is doing this Board single handed and doing a great job, lets get him some support and fill the board with people around him with his same determination


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