Friday, October 7, 2011

Ready for Meeting/ It Is Happening

Well we are getting close to our Private meeting and the response has been huge, We are running into bumps along the road, BUT THE MEETING WILL GO ON,Fireside at pool #1  The office changed the Bunco nite when they heard about meeting, BUT what the office needs to realize is this is our community and we will have meeting regardless..I would like all those attending to bring a list of things you would like to address, We are at a starting point here and this will be only the 1st of many private meetings over the next couple months!   So Office and Board Members pay attention, The citizens coalition is here to stay. SO step up your game we are watching and acting, Your future is in our hands now!

....Watch for next post regarding the office wanting to hire there own security here so they can make more money off the Residents..WE WANT PHOENIX POLICE AND THATS THE BOTTOM LINE !  Also been chatting with former management folks and have a whole bunch of news coming!!  Hold on here we go !  Talk Soon

1 comment:

Diane said...

WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE??? Why do you keep making up lies just to stir the pot. The Bunco meeting has been scheduled for months, just ask the women who planned it. The BOARD does not schedule the activities. WHO said we are getting rid of the police??? another lie. Read the newsletter that came out today for explanation of what happened reguarding the hiring of the new Property Mgmt. Co. I have been an Anasazi full time resident for 20 years, I knew all the past managers, and yes I agree, Marrianne was good. But it was HER decision to leave. We residents that have been paying attention to ALL of the issues that the Board has to encounter on a daily basis, have been seeking out other Management companies for years, but if we got rid of Rossmar we would lose Marrianne, so we stuck it out with Rossmar far longer than we wanted. If any of you uninformed nay sayers bothered to attend board meetings on a regular basis you would relize how hard it is to balance the budget given all the City imposed repairs we have had to endure the past few years. Combined with the aging property demands. The Board has tried to accomodate the majority of the residents on every issue brought up,- pool heating, tree trimming, along with the necessary pipe replacement, roof replacement, carpet replacement, walkway pavers... the list is endless.Try pleasing 1000 residents, it is impossible. If anyone is unhappy with an issue, all you have to do is bring it to the Management. However you cowards chose to sit on this website and create lie after lie and commiserate with each other about how bad things are here, Everyone of you have the option of running for the board. You need to grow up if you have a problem with something bring it to the attention of our management for review. Every complaint is taken very seriously. How is anything going to get accomplished by whinning on this stupid website. Having lived here for 20 years I have seen many friends and neighbors die and/or go to assisted living homes. Life is very short, why can't we spend our time getting along and pitching in to help our neighbors and make Anasazi, instead of choosing to live in the negative useless chaos this website is creating. I am very pleased at the job Wayne is doing, he was handed a very difficult job. We are a huge complex and learning all the issues is a long process. Why can't we give him a chance, and even offer a helping hand. He is an asset to this community with his background.