Friday, September 23, 2011

Automated External Defibrillator ??

M. Ibing to me, boardofdirecto., wyurk, Janet, Janice
show details 7:36 PM (15 hours ago)

Hello Mr. S

Not to say that Anasazi is an assisted living facility, the EMS/fire truck incidents observed at the complex since the beginning of my remodeling efforts that started mid August this year strongly suggest what has been a life saver in public places, airplanes, shopping centers, grocery stores included: the AED, also known as the Automated External Defibrillator. This device can be a life saver at the Anasazi complex, installed at each building at the center of every building at every level.  More info in this device

It obviously requires, however, that the HOA a) adopts this suggestion, and b) the HOA organizes a training in the use of this device together with general CPR training through the Red Cross or any other voluntary health services organization, hospital or medical office.  This is where the HOA has another possibility, among many, to show that it is committed to the well being of its constituents.

Potential life savers are worth more than a casual discussion!  I'll be happy to hear from you.


Mr. M

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

cost of defibrillators is $1200. to $1500. plus each. Who is going to pay for them????