Monday, November 21, 2011

Your Comments

And we still have the same concerns..
Concerned Visitor. During the Summer the year around residents
 were asking the same questions about Pools! Why would you shut
 down two pools in the middle of Summer? ( Pools 1 & 3 ) July 5, 2011 
The year around residents turned in petitions with 186 signatures on 
them asking that the maintainence be delayed from July till Oct 1.....

The Board (Herb) did not even consider the residents request and 
went ahead with shutting down 2 pools in July! Good luck to you on 
your request to heat the pools! If you read your CC&R'S I am sure 
it says that all pools must be heated except Pool #1 ( No Heaters )
 not to favor certain residents over others. READ THE CC&R'S
By Anonymous on Pool Heating ? at 6:47 PM

Anonymous. When AAM took over, Wayne Yuruk started bring in Companies 
that he has used in other communities...i.e. Maintanance, Landscaping, Pool Service.
 He tried to bring in a Private Security Company to replace the Phoenix Police 
presence on the properity, but the residence said "NO" to that. 
The Board kept the Police. Why do you think Wayne
wanted to replace everything that was
going great here at Anasazi? Maybe $$$$$$$$.
If it looks like a Duck,
 sounds like a Duck and walks like a Duck...

 It is beyond belief that this Board has 
not replaced Wayne and Roe as of today.
 What does Wayne have on this
 Board that protects him from being dismissed..
.$$$$$ Web Master!

 Brian is doing "Nothing" to help out the residents.
 He defends AAM and Wayne?????
By Anonymous on Brought To My Attention !! /Board Changes ? on 11/21/11

1 Warning then start towing cars! You can get away with playing dumb once, then you must pay the price. Things seem to be going along great all year till the Visitors showed up!
By Anonymous on Parking !! on 11/21/11

Webmaster Says:
We all have a chance to elect a New Board member   lets get on this!!  No competency vote on Izzy and Janet and lets get a NEW Board, Replace Robert who does not live here!! and we have a majority board vote here, Enough of board members using Anasazi for selling Insurance, real estate etc etc and start working on issues here, Nepotism is running high here...CHANGE IS NEEDED !!
If you look at things since AAM took over it has been poor changes, Our Budget is in deficit, we have outsourced work that should be done inhouse,We have have padded our payroll beyond belief.So you all took a breath of air because HOA did not go up this year..WELL WHAT ABOUT THE FUTURE..I have offered my service as a Board Member and believe we need a change here to get this property back on track..Plumbing is breaking here on a daily basis and have had 2 units this week alone need repairs..It is time for a Board that wants to look out for us and not their personal interest..Dont let a small clic of butt kissers here stop you from making the changes to the board..THIS IS THE 1ST step in getting community back on track ..2nd step AAM GONE.......Month and months of the same stories here  Its time for you all to wake up and smell the coffee.I was the one that noticed the budget was all mixed in and was told it was not to deceive then how come it did!! The only way to accpmplish this is to changes the powers holding our future in question..
.Ask for Izzy and Janet to retire asnd we have a great start then with 3 board positions open then lose Robert who does not live here....As far as Brian  thats your choice   look forward to your comments as usual

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